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FRED™: Framework for Rapid and Easy Development
Framework for Rapid and Easy Development. More...
Public Member Functions | |
__construct ($config) | |
Initialize the framework. More... | |
autoload ($class_name) | |
Autoloader. More... | |
halt ($status=null) | |
End the request. More... | |
externalError ($message, $context=null) | |
Handle an (deliberately caused) external error. More... | |
internalError ($message, $filename=null, $line_no=null, $trace=null) | |
Handle an internal error. More... | |
errorHandler ($error_no, $message, $filename, $line_no) | |
Error handler. More... | |
exceptionHandler ($exception) | |
Exception handler. More... | |
shutdownFunction () | |
Shutdown function. More... | |
version (&$hash=null) | |
Version without hash. More... | |
replaceVars ($config) | |
Replace config keys with variables. More... | |
dump () | |
Get a dumper. More... | |
config ($key, $default=null) | |
Get a value from the configuration. More... | |
component ($name) | |
Get a component. More... | |
may ($name) | |
Get a component if there is a configuration entry for it. More... | |
has ($name) | |
Get a component if it already exists. More... | |
clientConfig () | |
Public configuration. More... | |
__call ($func_name, $params) | |
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propertyExists ($property) | |
Check if a property exists (public or published). More... | |
constants ($prefix=null) | |
Return all constants. More... | |
get ($key) | |
Get one or more properties. More... | |
set ($key, $value=null) | |
Set one or more properties. More... | |
__get ($key) | |
__set ($key, $value) | |
Data Fields | |
const | EVENT_HALT = 'fred:halt' |
const | EVENT_EXTERNAL_ERROR = 'fred:externalError' |
const | EVENT_SHUTDOWN = 'fred:shutdown' |
$debug = false | |
True for debug modus. More... | |
$autoloadCacheKey = 'fred:autoloadCache' | |
Session key for classnames cache. More... | |
$autoloadMissingKey = 'fred:autoloadMissing' | |
Session key for missing classnames cache. More... | |
$defaultComponentNamespace = __CLASS__ | |
Default namespace for components. If there is no class name defined for a. More... | |
$templatePath = __DIR__ . '/../../template/' | |
Path for the framework templates. More... | |
$version = null | |
Project version. More... | |
$ignoreErrors = '/^SOAP-ERROR/' | |
Errors to ignore on shutdown (regex). More... | |
$stripObjectsMemoryLimit = null | |
$stripObjectsMaxDepth = 10 | |
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const | HIDDEN = 0 |
Property is hidden. More... | |
const | READABLE = 1 |
Property is readable. More... | |
const | WRITEABLE = 2 |
Property is writeable. More... | |
const | READWRITE = 3 |
Property is readable and writeable. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
init () | |
Initialize the framework. More... | |
saveSharedCache () | |
stripObjects (&$item, &$objects, $level=0) | |
Separate objects. More... | |
stripTraceObjects (&$trace, &$objects) | |
Separate objects from a trace. More... | |
errorHash ($message, $filename, $line_no) | |
releaseNotes () | |
Add new release notes to messages and log. More... | |
maintenance () | |
Check for maintenance. More... | |
defaultComponentClassName ($name) | |
setAutoloadNamespaces ($namespaces) | |
setAutoloadClasses ($classes) | |
setAutoloadFiles ($classes) | |
setTimeLimit ($value) | |
getTimeLimit () | |
_get ($key) | |
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publish ($property, $visibility=self::READABLE) | |
Publish a property (or hide it again). More... | |
configure ($config) | |
Configure the object. More... | |
_get ($key) | |
Default getter if no specific setter is defined, and the property is also not published (readable). More... | |
_set ($key, $value) | |
Default setter if no specific setter is defined, and the property is also not published (writeable). More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
$_startTime = null | |
Time at which the request started. More... | |
$_initialized = false | |
True if the framework is initialised. More... | |
$_config = [] | |
The configuration. More... | |
$_internalError = false | |
True if an internal error has (already) occured. More... | |
$_errorHash = null | |
Hash for the latest caught error. More... | |
$_errorBacktrace = null | |
Backtrace for the latest caught error. More... | |
$_timeLimit = null | |
Execution cut-off timestamp. More... | |
$_autoloadNamespaces = [] | |
Autoload namespace prefix (key) en paths (value). More... | |
$_autoloadClasses = [] | |
Autoload classes (key) and files (value). More... | |
$_autoloadFiles = [] | |
Autoload files (if not covered by the previous options). More... | |
$_autoloadCache = [] | |
Register direct location of class files. More... | |
$_autoloadCacheLimit = 250 | |
Size limit for the autoload cache. More... | |
$_autoloadMissing = [] | |
Register missing autoload classes (prevent double checking). More... | |
$_sharedCacheFile = null | |
Shared cache file. More... | |
$_sharedCacheTime = null | |
Creation time of the shared cache. More... | |
$_sharedCacheTtl = 600 | |
Time-to-live for shared cache. More... | |
$_sharedCacheTtlSpread = 10 | |
Random spread for TTL. More... | |
$_components = [] | |
Initialized components (key = component name, value = component). More... | |
$_releaseNotesFile = __DIR__ . '/../../doc/pages/notes.php' | |
$_releaseNotesKey = 'fred:releaseNotesTime' | |
Session key for release notes change time. More... | |
$_maintenanceTime = null | |
Date and time set for maintenance (site inaccessible) in 'Y-m-d H:i:s' format. More... | |
$_maintenanceMessage = [] | |
Messages to show before maintenance starts. Key = seconds before start to show. More... | |
$_maintenanceKey = 'fred:maintenanceMessage' | |
Session key for last maintenance message. More... | |
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$_published = [] | |
Published properties (key = name of property, value = visibility). More... | |
Framework for Rapid and Easy Development.
The Fred object is at the core of the framework. From this object all components will be initialized. This is done in a 'lazy' manner. That is: only when the component is specificly called (through the component() function or with a magic __get()).
This object also does autoloading and error handling. The magic __call() method is mapped to the item() function of the entity component.
__construct | ( | $config | ) |
autoload | ( | $class_name | ) |
The autoloader tries to load a class in 3 steps:
clientConfig | ( | ) |
component | ( | $name | ) |
config | ( | $key, | |
$default = null |
) |
errorHandler | ( | $error_no, | |
$message, | |||
$filename, | |||
$line_no | |||
) |
exceptionHandler | ( | $exception | ) |
externalError | ( | $message, | |
$context = null |
) |
halt | ( | $status = null | ) |
has | ( | $name | ) |
internalError | ( | $message, | |
$filename = null , |
$line_no = null , |
$trace = null |
) |
may | ( | $name | ) |
protected |
replaceVars | ( | $config | ) |
shutdownFunction | ( | ) |
Shutdown function.
If a (non catched) error is the reason for the shutdown (e.g. a timeout), then the shutdown will be processed as an internal error.
protected |
protected |
version | ( | & | $hash = null | ) |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
$autoloadCacheKey = 'fred:autoloadCache' |
$autoloadMissingKey = 'fred:autoloadMissing' |
$defaultComponentNamespace = __CLASS__ |
$ignoreErrors = '/^SOAP-ERROR/' |
$templatePath = __DIR__ . '/../../template/' |