| generateDatabaseStructure ($table_trans=null) |
| Generate a definition file from the database structure. More...
| table ($table) |
| Table definition (all columns). More...
| key ($table) |
| Primary key columns. More...
| column ($table, $column, $extra=null) |
| Column definition. More...
| value ($table, $column, $key, $default=null) |
| Definition value. More...
| ref ($table, $column) |
| Get the base (referenced) column. More...
| convert ($type, $value) |
| Convert a single value from database format to standard, internal format. More...
| convertColumn ($column, $value, $tables) |
| Convert a single column value from database format to standard, internal format. More...
| convertRecord ($record, $tables) |
| Convert a record from database format to standard, internal format. More...
| format ($type, $value) |
| Format a value from standard, internal format to database format. More...
| formatColumn ($column, $value, $tables) |
| Convert a single column value from standard, internal format to database format. More...
| formatRecord ($record, $tables) |
| Format a value from standard, internal format to database format. More...
| __call ($func_name, $params) |
| __construct ($fred, $config=null) |
| __destruct () |
| clientConfig () |
| Public configuration. More...
| config ($key, $default=null) |
| Retrieve a config value. More...
| ping () |
| Ping function. More...
| filemtime ($filename) |
| Filemtime with session cache. More...
| component ($name) |
| Get a component (local or default). More...
| components (... $names) |
| Get multiple components in an array. More...
| propertyExists ($property) |
| Check if a property exists (public or published). More...
| constants ($prefix=null) |
| Return all constants. More...
| get ($key) |
| Get one or more properties. More...
| set ($key, $value=null) |
| Set one or more properties. More...
| __get ($key) |
| __set ($key, $value) |
Definition at line 7 of file Def.php.